Had a great time at Howe Springs Fire Department producing a video about their new engines. Assistant Chief Bryan Bennett is a good friend of mine and he took the time to talk to me about what all is involved with building their three custom engines. He and the committee started the process back in 2013, figuring out what features they needed and wanted on the engine. The purpose of the video is to show off the new engines. It will be edited to draw the attention of the general public, but it will also contain information that any firefighter will enjoy hearing about. We shot the footage all in one day (interview and B-roll), starting around 9:00am and didn't finish until midnight. It was a long day and there are many hours of footage to go through. I have about an hour of footage from the interview alone. We used a combination of cameras and lens to capture unique perspectives that show off some of the features of the engines. The DJI Ronin M was used to help make some of the shots of the engine on the road as smooth as possible. Hopefully this will be another awesome video for everyone to enjoy.

I started volunteering as a firefighter back in 2012 and fell in love with it. I enjoy doing projects for Howe Springs. It allows me to show off one of my passions to you, and maybe encourage someone to volunteer in their local community. The image above was one of the last things I did that day/night. For the geeks out there; I had a shutter speed of 1 second, f10, and ISO 100. I did use Photoshop to adjusted it a little bit. Thanks for making it to the end of the blog post! You amaze me every time you do that.